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Project Management

Adapting to the needs of each project, IDM NETWORKS offers specific and specialized responses tailored to the interests of each client. As the client's technical representative, we set up and carry out the management and coordination of the entire team necessary to carry out a project, from start to finish, all under the supervision of an experienced "Project Manager". We can carry out all the activities corresponding to the development of the Real Estate project, Management, Coordination, monitoring, Planning, Costs, Quality... either in its entirety, or specifically, depending on each case.

We organize all aspects of a project, coordinating the design teams, requesting and analyzing package offers, contracting and monitoring the entire project, and offering the client a certified information and progress service throughout the entire project. process. Likewise, we can carry out the technical supervision of projects already carried out for institutions and properties of various kinds, investors, contractors and end users, developing technical reports on construction, bid and contract procedures, programming and progress, quality, costs and financial status of everything. type of projects. The international and multidisciplinary experience of the IDM NETWORKS partners guarantee the quality and competence of our management services.

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"Form follows Function"

Louis Sullivan


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